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Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

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As the delegated acts for Digital Product Passports are still being worked on, we're still in the dark as to the exact types and...

A taste of what kind of data might be asked for in digital product passports
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The decision has been made, the 19th of December provisional political agreements were reached by ESPR. It´s the first time a regulation...

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulations (ESPR) update
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If you're new to the idea of digital product passports, this is the post to read first. This is from the EU call for proposals dated 2...

Digital product passports in a nutshell – the intention by the EU
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Funded by the European Commission under the Digital Europe Programme, CIRPASS is a collaborative initiative to prepare the ground for the...

In December, CIRPASS was presented at COP28 in Dubai
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Which side effects will the introduction of digital product passports carry? Such a major reform won't come without any repercussions...

A positive side effect of DPP – making life difficult for trademark fraudsters?
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What will digital product passports mean to small-scale or artisanal production? Will it mean anything at all? Or will Fred in the shed...

What about Fred in the shed?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Some Parliaments can't wait for the European Union to finalise and launch the Digital Product Passports, obviously. The French...

France to introduce "Analogue Product Passport" 1 January 2024
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When people learn about digital product passports, the usual reaction is "How on earth will we be able to lay our hands on this kind of...

Blue Cromos, Ahlsell & GS1 receive 1.3 million SEK from Vinnova for a DPP project!
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5TH DECEMBER 2023 15:00-17:00 + AFTERWORK Learn from industry experts, discover more innovative companies during the latest concept...

We recommend Retail Talks - Digital Product Passport
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Svenska Institutet för Standarder is hosting a webinar on the 11th of December about the "Digital Product Passport" - the EU's upcoming...

Is your business ready for the EU Digital Product Passport?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Ta reda på om EU:s handlingsplan för cirkulär ekonomi och vilka ytterligare åtgärder ledamöter i Europaparlamentet vill för att minska...

Hur EU vill uppnå en cirkulär ekonomi till 2050
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Find out about the EU’s circular economy action plan and what additional measures MEPs want to reduce waste and make products more...

How the EU wants to achieve a circular economy by 2050
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

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