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Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Nyheter & Blogg

”Improve the ability to make better decisions (for the environment and our future) through easy access to information.” That is the...

Part 2 - Will the easy access to environmental and circular information change your buying behaviour?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

In earlier blog posts, we have highlighted that: Digital product passports mean that data will become an integral part of your product...

Part 1 - Digital product passport "in your face" to nudge the uninterested towards a more circular mindset?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Digital product passports will enable more circular products and business models. How they should work and who should have access to all...

Is your business ready for Digital Product Passport? Blue Cromos takes part in SIS committee.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Once digital product passports have been introduced, refusal by sub-suppliers to provide digital product passport data will be just as...

What if your sub-supplier won't provide digital product passport data?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Your product will no longer be the same – after the introduction of digital product passports. Think of it for a while; the regulations...

Digital product passports – expanding what is your product
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

What would it feel like not being in charge of the keys to your warehouse? Or having trucks block the exit when you want to ship your...

Would you let others control the key to your warehouse?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

When you first learn about digital product passports, we guess that your initial reaction is "How on earth will people be able to obtain...

Which of these 7 points will be the biggest challenge for providing digital product passports, do you think?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

In our recent blog post we drew parallels between the deforestation directive to digital product passports, to offer a taste of which...

Learning from forestry for digital product passports
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

In the summer of 2023, when the European Parliament voted on the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) – of which the...

EU Parliament giving a Free Pass to Vendors?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Just because data on circularity, repairability and environmental impact is made available in digital product passports, they won't...

Trust, ease of use and agility: Key factors for the success of Digital Product Passports
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

"Why not food?" is a completely justified question. As is "why garments & footwear?". In the coming years, when the European Union...

How did the EU select the initial industries to be required to provide digital product passports?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Looking at the industries for which digital product passports will first be introduced, a question arises. How will the regulation handle...

"Commodities from multiple suppliers – how will that be dealt with?"
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

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