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Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Nyheter & Blogg

If you're not yet serious about sustainability, digitalisation, and data transparency, now is the time for change. With the introduction...

Now is the time to get serious about sustainability, digitalisation and data transparency.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

If you were to open up your available data today on the environmental impact of your products, we guess it would be either like opening a...

Digital product passports - lifting your data handling to new levels
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

The EU plans to introduce digital product passports (DPP) by industry. By end of 2027, the first industries will be required to be...

Will two years suffice for you to get DPP-compliant?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

You probably recall the general scramble to get GDPR compliant a few years ago and think it was a big deal. But in all honesty, who did...

Do you think GDPR was big? Check out DPP and think again.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Are you aware of the upcoming EU regulations about digital product passports? In just a few years, it will be compulsory for products...

How will you be impacted by digital product passports?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

We would like to take this opportunity to inform you about a webinar hosted by the European Commission, an excellent opportunity to get...

ESPR Webinar 22 May 2024, 10:00-13:00 CET by the European Commission
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Getting ready for the arrival of digital product passports (DPP) might look like a daunting task. It might be, but you won't know until...

4 First Steps to Begin Preparing for Digital Product Passports
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Why start early if you don't have to? Digital Product Passports are still a moving target. Isn't it better to wait until all cards are on...

Why you should start prepare for digital product passports early, even if it won't be easy.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

There's more to digital product passports than circularity, repairability and environmental concerns. Unethical sourcing practices is...

Digital product passports against child labour
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Similarly to digital product passports expanding the definition of what a PRODUCT is, as we have written about before, we can pretty...

How will digital product passports impact your control over quality?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

Would you, consciously, stock up with products you knew you wouldn't be able to sell? A rhetorical question indeed. NOBODY in their right...

Part 3 - How might digital product passports change behaviours among producers and retailers?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

”Improve the ability to make better decisions (for the environment and our future) through easy access to information.” That is the...

Part 2 - Will the easy access to environmental and circular information change your buying behaviour?
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.
Read the latest news on digital product passports in our news & blog page.

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